Press Releases
REMCO Energy Offers Advice on What Every CFO Needs to Know About the Utility Company's Cash Register...
Release date: 3/14/2008
Your electric meter is the utility company's cash register; make sure you only pay for what you consume and nothing more. If the utility company uses the wrong current transformer/ potential transformer or an improper register ratio is assigned the meter could be using 100% more electricity then your store consumes.
(PRWEB) March 14, 2008 -- Most companies and individuals assume that the meter in their store is registering accurately and that they are paying for the electricity they actually consume.
While most experts will tell you that electricity is the most accurately measured commodity. It is only accurate if the utility company chooses the right meter and assigns the proper multiplier based upon the size of your stores electrical service. In order to understand how utilities overcharge you must know how a meter works. You can think of an electric meter as a box through which electricity flows and in the process leaves a record of how much energy was delivered. The meter uses two values which it senses, electrical pressure metered in volts and electric current measured in amps. The meter takes the product of these two values and multiplies it by the power factor and over time this equals kilowatt hours...
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